We intend to be the only university among the other universities in Turkey, which provides the most scholarship opportunities to international students and creates a diverse environment through the options given during the registration period.

The university’s board of trustees determines tuition fees by adhering to the council of ministers’ decisions of the relevant year for each academic year and announced on the university website. Only the information on our website is valid. Please do not rely on data from third parties.

2024-2025 academic year tuition fees and scholarship amounts were determined by the Council of Higher Education’s decision and the board of trustees of our university.

Our team supports every student whose application is approved through the scholarship process.

Students applying directly or via an intermediary institution to university, cannot be charged for their application.

Scholarships and discounts will be valid in the language preparation school for the students who cannot meet the language proficiency requirement and are obliged to study the language program.

Scholarships and Discounts

-All the scholarship and discount opportunities are stated below;

Ankara Medipol University provides scholarships to all international students to ease their educational expenses. This scholarship rate is up to 20%, and it is applied to all international students at the listed price in the application process.
The students who graduated from one of the International High Schools that we have a protocol with will have 5% additional scholarship. Please click here to see the high schools list we have a protocol with.
If more than one family member is studying at our university, 10% discount will be applied to each member’s/siblings’ tuition fee.
Advance payment discount rate is 10%. This discount is applied to all students who wish to pay the tuition all at once or complete the annual tuition fee before the deadline stated in the student’s offer letter.
  • All the scholarships rates stated during the enrollment process are valid until a student graduates. Shall not be any cut-off on the scholarships under any conditions.