There are useful documents you can get

Residence permit application

Having arrived in Turkey, and after completing your university registration, the most important thing you need to do is to apply for a residence permit.

After you fill out the application form at deliver paperwork from your international student affairs office.

You will be able to carry out all formal transactions as long as you stay in Turkey with your residence card and foreign identification (YU) number you receive after your application.

If your residence card does not expire, it can be used while entering or leaving Turkey, and thus you do not need to get a new visa. It is important that you renew your residence permit before the validity period expires.

First, you should apply from the Immigration Office website:  Click Here

Required documents:

Application form should be printed

Health insurance

4 photos

Copy of your passport

Copy of your current residence (if you have)

Copy of your rental contract or dormitory paper if you stay there

Student certificate (from Mebis)

Receipt of payment

Prepare all the documents and submit them to immagration office

High School Eqivalency Certificate

Those who study at private education institutions at the international primary and secondary education level and at the schools opened by embassies in the country and at the primary and secondary education institutions in Turkey and abroad can apply.


You can apply through the e-equivalency module from Take an appointment and after that bring your documents to the International Student Affairs Office