Category Announcementss


30 Mar

2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester Midterm Exam Schedule

1 Feb

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Optional Make-Up Exam Schedule

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Optional Make-Up Exam Schedule The Optional Make-Up Exam applications for the Fall Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year will be made via MEBIS between 31st of January – 7th of February, 2022 (until 17.00) After these dates, the application panel will be closed and unsigned petitions will not be evaluated. […]

1 Feb

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Make Up Exam Schedule

The “Make Up Exam Schedules” of the related departments are given below ; School of Dentistry (TR-ENG) click here. School of Medicine (TR-ENG) click here. School of Pharmacy (TR-ENG) click here. School of Law click here. Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture click here. Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences click here. Faculty […]

5 Jan

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Final Exam Schedule

The “Final Exam Schedules” of the departments are given below ; School of Dentistry (TR-ENG) click here. School of Medicine (TR-ENG) click here. School of Pharmacy (TR-ENG) click here. School of Law click here. Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture click here. Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences click here. Faculty of Political […]

25 Nov

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Make-Up Exam Applications

Make-up exams will be held between 13-19 December 2021. –Make-up exam applications must be made online via MEBIS-My Document Operations-Re-Exam Application tab. –Applications made by e-mail or similar will not be taken into consideration. –In make-up exam applications, the document stating your status (including medical report, screenshot, QR code, network connection sign, duration, etc.) should […]

15 Nov

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Midterm Exams of Turkish Language and Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution courses

The midterm exam information of Turkish Language and Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution courses are given below: The midterm exam of Turkish Language (DRS 1112861) will be held on the 23rd of November 2021, between 13.00-14.00. The midterm exam of Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution (ATA 1111178) will be held on […]

15 Nov

2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Midterm Exam Schedule

The “Midterm Exam Schedules” of the departments are given below ; School of Dentistry (TR) click here. School of Dentistry (ENG) click here. School of Medicine (TR) click here. School of Medicine (ENG) click here. School of Pharmacy (TR) click here. School of Pharmacy (ENG) click here. School of Law click here. Faculty of Fine […]

25 Jun

2020-2021 Academic Year Make-Up Exam Schedule

The “Make-Up Exam Schedules” of the departments are given below ; For School of Pharmacy click here. For School of Medicine click here. For School of Dentistry click here. For Faculty of Economics, Administration and Social Sciences click here. For Faculty of Political Science click here. For Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture click […]

7 Jun

2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester Final Exam Schedule

Final Exam Schedules of 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester are given below: For School of Pharmacy click here. For School of Medicine click here. For School of Dentistry click here. For Faculty of Economics, Administration and Social Sciences click here. For Faculty of Political Science click here. For Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture […]

1 Jun

An Important Announcement About The Final Exams

The final exams will be held between June 07 – 18, 2021 This announcement is only valid for the ‘’Distance Multiple Choice and/or Open-Ended Exams’’ conducted online on the MEBIS system. In order to join the online exams, you must login to the system on a computer with an internet connection.  The responsibility of obtaining […]